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Cultural Competency Workshop - Day 1

Monday, 28/11/2022 · 9:00 a.m. · GMT
About This Webinar

The first day of the two day workshop examining culturally safe maternity care for diverse communities

Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Specialist in Equality Diversity and Inclusion
Benash Nazmeen is a Specialist Cultural Liaison Midwife, working towards addressing health inequalities as highlighted by MBRRACE within maternity services.

A Trustee of Iolanthe Midwifery Trust, a Midwifery Ambassador and Chair for the SDMC Maternity Stream for NHSE, Benash is actively invested in improving maternity services for those we care for and those who work in them. She has co-designed and runs Cultural Competency and Safety Workshops for maternity Health care professionals, while working closely with diverse communities.

As Chair and Director of Sheffield Maternity Cooperative she is working to provide alternative spaces for advocacy, support and safe spaces for black and brown communities. Benash co-found The Association of South Asian Midwives (ASAM), they aim to increase awareness of South Asian communities and their concerns with maternity health care professionals. They are also working closely to highlight and support the South Asian workforce & working with the communities to tackle taboo subjects like loss, mental health, infertility etc.
Webinar hosting presenter
Lecturer in Midwifery
Hannah is a Sheffield-based midwife who trained and worked at the Jessop Wing. Following several years in the humanitarian sector, most recently working for Médecins Sans Frontières, she now works as a Midwife Practitioner for the British Pregnancy Advisory Service. Her professional interests lie in people’s experiences of choice and consent within reproductive health services.

On the board of the Sheffield Maternity Cooperative she advocates for people who face discrimination and additional difficulties navigating the maternity system. Hannah co-developed the Cultural Competency and Safety workshop for healthcare professionals to highlight the inequalities faced by black and brown families seeking care.
Hosted By
Baby Lifeline Training webinar platform hosts Cultural Competency Workshop - Day 1
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