Cultural Competency and Safety Workshop
Date: 28th & 29th November 2022

Two day online workshop examining culturally safe maternity care for diverse communities.

From the words we use, to the actions we take, we can all be influenced by the biases we have absorbed, developed and learnt in our life. Not being aware or conscious of this is harmful to you and to those you care for, as inequalities can be perpetuated by birth workers and healthcare professionals. CPD shouldn’t be limited to new research or theory, it should involve assessment of our individual values and attitudes, old and new, so we can consciously check & address them before we care for our diverse families.

Diverse communities, sometimes called Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) communities, are often labelled as difficult to engage, when in reality they are easy to ignore. The statistics are revealing: people from these communities have a lower life expectancy, are more likely to experience chronic illness, die in childbirth, suffer a stillbirth… the list goes on.

These figures highlight the continued inequity and inequality present within our maternity and health systems. We must recognise that it is not race that harms people using our services, but a number of factors including racial and cultural bias within our systems and workforce.

Relevant For
Aimed at any professional working in maternity services. For example, midwives, nurses, doctors, and allied health professionals.

Aims and Objectives
After gaining a deeper understanding of the barriers to healthcare and types of discrimination faced by people from racialised communities, participants will be supported to reflect upon and analyse their own practice. They will then create individual action plans and leave with a clear idea of how they want to take this knowledge forward into their own work and professions.

This workshop provides participants with the tools to self-reflect and understand their own values and attitudes towards race, migration and diversity. The activities are tailored to the skills and professional roles of the group to ensure an engaging and pragmatic approach.

Price: £210
This workshop will be two days
  • Cultural Competency Workshop - Day 1
    Monday, November 28, 2022 · 9:00 AM GMT
    The webinar for day one of the course.
  • Cultural Competency Workshop - Day 2
    Tuesday, November 29, 2022 · 9:00 AM GMT
    This is the link to follow for day two of the workshop.